Before creating Chentille & Co., I felt like I did a lot of throwing spaghetti at the wall.

I would have an idea of how I wanted to help women and I would quickly throw it out there with no interest.

I found myself getting discouraged, scrap that idea, and come up with something else.It became a heart-wrenching cycle that I stayed in for about a year. There was so much I wanted to do, but no one seemed ready for the transformations.

Fast forward to my present moment…like right now…I’m replaying our first Worthy Coaching Call, with Jasmine N. Hall, in my first membership community …she gave us the assignment of “She Was, She Is, I Am”

Now, I’m not going to go into detail about the assignment because you gotta come visit us for that…but I will share my reflection.

Accepting the lack of control I have over things and people has caused me the ease I’ve been searching for to create for my clients.

❌  I cannot make you want more for yourself.

❌  I cannot make you see value in yourself.

❌  I cannot make you accept support and guidance.

❌  I cannot make you love yourself.

Do I see the potential in you…ABSOLUTELY!!! Will I spend my energy convincing you to step into it…ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!

I’ve been burned before on focusing on someone’s potential…that is a weight I never want to carry again🤐

The women that have joined my community all have one thing in common…they were ready to choose self above all.

The 🔥 that is in my coaching has just begun. Over the next few months, the growth is going to be realllllll.

Say it with me…

She Was.

She Is.



Natasha Chentille