Remember that “self evaluation” I mentioned during my hiatus??? Well there was a lot that I had to accept and own after that inward look. One big thing I realized was that the deeper I went into the “sex world” the more uncomfortable I got. The things I wanted to post seemed inappropriate. I know that sounds absurd, but let me explain myself.

Sex has many moving topics to it and let’s just be honest…being outspoken about sex can be really frowned upon. When I take to social media to market myself or just to speak to my audience I find myself holding back. My thoughts go to who is reading this, how will they feel about my words, or how will they feel about this particular topic???? All of a sudden I’m a ball of insecurity because I feel that I’m being judged through the internet.

A lot of my followers are fellow sex therapist, educators, or professionals that appreciate the material I am presenting. I was very intentional with who I connected with in my social media space, however that did not stop me from not putting my best foot forward. 

I admire those that can get on their social platform and be confident in what they present. For example, there is a page that I follow that is literally just pictures of vaginas. Now see, I would question myself every time I clicked post if that was me. I would question, “Is this acceptable?” or “Am I going to offend someone?”

When I first started showing up on social media as a sex therapist I reached out to someone, didn’t know her, just to compliment her page. She is a sex coach and heavily immersed in the world. We actually hit it off and had a great video chat. One of the things she said to me was, “If your going to be in this career, you need to own it. Everyone won’t like what you have to talk about, but they also don’t have to follow.” <———-this right here is the truth!!!!! 

I am not talking to everyone, my content is not for everyone, and it is not my responsibility to tiptoe around those that are uncomfortable with it. Each person that follows my social media or reads my blogs are doing so of their free will. I don’t need to censor myself for likes or follows. There is also a delete comment button and block for me to use at my leisure. 

I’m not all the way there with my confidence….and I don’t mind admitting that. What I can say is I am going to function in the uncomfortable. No longer am I going to question myself or the things I want to say because it does nothing for me or my growth. It also keeps me from giving you guys some pretty cool information….and I wouldn’t want to do that.

~Natasha Chentille