Here’s a question to mull on…

Is your pleasure important to you?

Do you believe that you deserve pleasure OR do you believe that you have to earn it?

Remember now, pleasure is bigger than sex.

If you look at the definition of pleasure it includes the words “satisfaction” and “enjoyment”

Are your satisfied with yourself?

Do you enjoy yourself?

I already know that a good bit of you reading this have a complete disconnect from yourself, your body, your needs, and your wants.

How do I know…well most of you have told me so…

The question is: Name 1 thing that would increase your confidence

“Love for myself”

“Loosing some weight and being able to carry my body”

“Learning to communicate my wants and needs”

“Knowing how to ask without feeling selfish”

“Connecting to and valuing my body”

I just want to send out lots of hugs to any of you that feel this way.

So imagine my podcast The Unapologetic Vixen Podcast: Owning Pleasure As A Black Woman as a virtual hug. Here you will learn to:

-Love yourself unconditionally

-Express your wants and needs unapologetically

-Be selfish and love it

-Connect with your body in a way you’ve never imagined

So can I give you a hug? If so click here…