I know, I know…I disappeared again!!!

Don’t charge it to my heart, I promise I do love it here.

I’m sure you’re wondering what I have been up to that I would neglect to post on my blog once again…I promise it’s good!

I am officially my own boss….YAYAYAYAY

This has been an adventure in the making. I absolutely love talking about sex so much that I decided I wanted to do it full time.

Believe me when I say…manifestation is REAL. Had you asked me 5 years ago if I wanted to work at home supporting women to achieve orgasms I would have been like…nahhhh I’m good.

The thing that always feared me about running my own business was the responsibility of it all. Like really just give me my check so I can go home.

Then BAM…that dang on Covid-19 hit and boyyyyy did it hit hard. I found myself working as an “essential worker” and there were little benefits to it.

Let me rewind…I knew last year that I did not want to work for anyone anymore. I put into the universe that I would be leaving my 9-5 this year…BUT I cannot say that I was 100% committed.

Why…well because I didn’t know how I was going to do it. All I saw was a bunch of bills that needed to be paid.

Once Covid hit I was making things work out here. I built an amazing Facebook group The Sensually Free and Sexually Confident Tribe and I started speaking my truth.

Now here I am…going into the holidays making my own schedule working with badass women that want to enhance their sexuality.


It has only been a little bit, but it is definitely as hard as I thought it would be. However I would rather work my ass off for me than to continue feeling unappreciated.

So, that is the spill…the update of my life.

My goal is to begin posting once a week, but as life turns we’ll see what happens.

Thank you for continuing to accept me…flaws and all!!!